Guided by principles.
By nature, a cooperative exists to serve and support its members. ETEC operates by four core values: innovation, integrity, accountability and commitment to community. And we are guided by the Seven Cooperative Principles:
- Voluntary and Open Membership
- Members' Economic Participation
- Democratic Member Control
- Autonomy and Independence
- Education, Training and Information
- Cooperation Among Cooperatives
- Concern for Community
Within these principles lies the beauty of cooperatives. Co-ops are about serving people, not profits. It's been that way since the cooperative business model was born, and ETEC is proud to continue this tradition.
ETEC continues to pursue renewable energy sources. Currently 7 percent of our power needs are met through the hydroelectric facilities at Sam Rayburn Dam and Denison Dam. We will complete construction on the R.C. Thomas Hydroelectric Project on Lake Livingston in mid-2019. In addition, we utilize power from two wind farms in which we have long term power purchase agreements.